Is Internet Vaccinated?

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The pandemic 2020 has shown us the power of digitization and the internet. Service industry built over the internet could survive largely and others struggled with lockdowns in most part of the world. Supply reduced and demand increased, even rationing needed digital solutions. The recession in the economy largely prevented because of internet-based business. This has created a feeling everything in future to be internet-based service and complete digitization is one solution which will make us resilient. Where everyone agrees is the speed and efficient means of service we gain through internet-based business. However, strong caution is required as too much reliance on any Source or Model. 

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What if the COVID-19 was not a virus of organic nature, but of computer-based? If an attack on the internet, which needs a few months to clear or assume because of natural calamities, the undersea optical cables cut off and needs complete restructuring. What it will cost to humanity when most commodities are digitized and only means of receiving them? We all would have experienced one or two queues in the last year, but still buy or get what we wanted. If we have no means to do that in future but complete reliance is on internet-based service, then any disruption on the internet can cause huge harm. What will be an impact on economies, growth and people? Today we rely on half our needs to be served through the internet but it can grow to even larger, with a wave of ‘everything as service’ through the internet is building up. With money and energy of humanity are moving towards internet-based services, we have also started assuming internet has immunity against any attack/disruption. Its utmost importance that Global firms and Governments pay attention to build resilience to the internet. We need to have Global Co-operation and Bodies to Standardize, Safeguard and Build Resilience to the future backbone of our lives. It’s time to think, is internet vaccinated?


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